Natural Makeup

I’m normally not the one who enjoys wearing makeup. Instead, I’m the type of person who gets thrown off if there are too many products to apply. When it comes to looking pretty, my mottos are “less is more” and “keep it simple.” I feel that if I try too hard, there is just a thin line of me trying hard not to smear makeup all over the face in all the wrong places. However, spending money on your skin is a wise investment. At least in my books, it is. Skin is our biggest organ, and it is not coincidentally, also the one which is the most on impact. After all, it is your face that you’re working with—it represents who you are. Feeling well about it can be one of your best attributes.

You should seek what your skin is like. For example, mine is very dry but also oily in places. 

  • So, the first rule is to choose products that compliment your skin. Use products in rotation; don’t just stick to one. Also, different seasons call for different skin protection. If you live in this kind of climate, you’ll know what I mean by that. 
  • But number one rule, regardless of where you live and what your skin type is like, is to hydrate well. You can moisturize your skin from the outside; if it’s not receiving enough liquid on the outside, it won’t glow.
  • The second one goes along with balancing your hormones. Many women feel that they break out when they enjoy dairy products. Maybe test how it makes you feel if you try nixing dairy for only a couple of days. I know for me, staying away from it makes me feel all that much better.
  • Also, you are probably aware of how many germs we pick up from things we touch every second. Be mindful of not picking at your skin. It creates scars and spots that you otherwise don’t need to cover up. Hands off your face when it’s not needed, girl!
  • Products that you should implement to your routine are first and foremost supplements and foods that complement your skin. First, there are facial cleansers that strip the day’s rush away and freshen you up. Then there are moisturizers. During the coming summer, try introducing more natural oils to your routine. And, while you’re at it, use moisturizers on the rest of your body as well. Skin is your biggest organ, and it keeps you in place, so take good care of it.
  • Then some masks and scrubs make your skin soft. If you travel often, take scrubs with you. Your first morning at the new location will feel much more elevated while your look will be brighter. 
  • Use moisture-rich products while traveling and also remember to drink plenty of healthy fluids. Climate changes in places where you go, dry air under pressure high up in the clouds, and air-conditioned air at terminals all abruptly dry out your skin. So, the best you can do is to go on the road prepared.
  • When your skin is properly nourished, you don’t even have to go for every-day glam makeup but rather create a simple natural routine that works for you and makes you feel super pretty. 
  • Use a primer, preferably with an SPF. A pencil for over the eyes. Brow pencil to even out both sides. A glimmering pallet to contour, highlight, and blush. And a lip balm to make your pretty lips pop. Voila! Hey, world, here comes a pretty lady.  

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