Addiction has reached a crisis point for millions of families around the globe. Take the United States as an example. It is estimated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that there are more than 22 million Americans addicted to substance abuse. This, coupled by the fact that, out of these addicts, if half of them make a conscious decision to quit substances, it has statistically been proven that 40 percent relapses back to the old ways and the cycle continues. Unfortunately, though, addiction is not for drugs abuse alone. A lot of people are addicted to habits such as over-partying, sex addiction, and addiction towards being with an abusive partner. These are habits that we have developed over time, and we find it hard to let them go. Our conscious effort to combat these vices do not bear any fruits, and it causes a lot of us to relapse, going back to our old ways. The fact is, almost all of us have been affected by addiction, either through someone, we know as a relative, or we are addicted to something.
Untangling yourself from this vice might look impossible, but it is not. With yoga, one can be able to develop the required discipline and self-control to fight back the urge of doing this habit that has kept us captive and held us back from what we can achieve. The emotional void that these habits fill can be corrected through proper methods of meditation and yoga practice. It takes bravery to accept our shortcomings, taking the first step to self-realization.
The experience that we are looking for, which leads us to these bad habits can be substituted with yoga. It is easier said than done, but it is worth a shot. The first thing we need to do in order to develop a strong self-will that can withstand our urge to these vices is finding a good yoga and meditation tutor. The tutor will be able to create a step-by-step guide on how to use yoga to combat the addictions. The other thing you should keep in mind is that you should seek medical advice. Yoga and meditation should only act as a complement to the doctor’s treatment.
If you are an addict, you should focus mostly on meditation. Meditation involves rhythmic breathing techniques and postures that are meant to achieve a given mental condition. It is advisable to take meditation classes from qualified tutors either online or face to face. Meditation will help you to control the urges and desires to engage in undesirable behavior. The path to recovery will be smooth once these steps are observed, and the healing process can begin.